Research Studies shows that obesity weight loss surgery, compared to non-surgical treatments, provides the longest period of sustained weight loss in individual
Obesity weight loss surgery
Obesity is a disease that affects about 1/3rd of the young American population (approximately sixty million ). The number of Americans are overweight or obese has continued to increasing since 1960s, a trend that continued unabated. Today, 64.5 % of young Americans (approximately 127 million) classified as overweight or obese.
Each year, obesity is at least 300,000 excess deaths in the United States, and health care costs of young Americans with obesity amount to approximately $ 100 000 000 000. Obesity is the second leading cause of death. Obesity is a chronic disease with a strong reputation component. Obesity increases the risk of hypertension, type 2 diabetes , cardiovascular disease, stroke, gallbladder disease , breast cancer, and cancer of prostate and colon . It can also increases the psychosocial problems and orthopedic ( joints and spine problems ). The trend toward obesity is encouraged by our environment: by lack of physical activity with combination of high-calorie and cheap food.
Obesity is a health risk, and an excess of total body fat, which results from caloric intake that exceeds energy consumption. The most common measure of obesity is body mass index (BMI). BMI is calculated by dividing weight in pounds by height in inches squared (in2) and multiplying the result by 704.5. The metric calculation of BMI ( Basal metabolic index) is kg / m 2.
Although BMI does not measure body fat actually tends to correlate well with the degree of obesity. Therefore, should not be used alone for diagnosis, but may be useful as general manager.
The ideal Basal Metabolic Index is between 18.5 and 24.9 kg / m 2.
According to the obesity categories adopted in 1998 by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are: BMI 25 - 29.9 kg / m 2 - Consider Overweight
BMI 30 to 34.9 kg / m 2 -Consider Obesity
BMI 35 to 39, 9 kg / m 2 -Consider severe obesity
BMI of 40 kg/m2 and more -Consider morbid obesity
Morbid obesity can considerably abating life expectancy and is associated with an high risk of developing conditions or diseases like diabetes, stroke, some respiratory problems, sleep apnea, high blood pressure and cancer. Weight loss is significant enough to improve health, reduce your risk of developing associated conditions and improve their quality of life in general.
Research Studies shows that weight loss surgery, compared to non-surgical treatments, provides the longest period of sustained weight loss in individuals who have no other weight loss treatment. Obesity Surgery (also known as weight loss surgery or obesity) is a term derived from the Greek word:weight and treatment.
Bariatric surgical procedures are major gastrointestinal surgeries that close most of the stomach to reduce the amount of food can eat, and rearrange the small intestine to reduce calorie amount may absorb, resulting in dramatic weight loss and decreasing body mass in morbid obese people .
Millions of people are turning to diet, exercise and the drug to treat their obesity. However, the National Institutes of Health reports that 90 percent of the individuals involved in different programs of weight loss and diet but after that they do not lose significant and sustained weight. If a non-surgical method, did not help you lose weight and keep it off, is yet another option.Research Studies shows that weight loss surgery, compared with non-surgical methods, weight loss may be of longer duration in patients who are not successful with other treatments.
Many activities have been developed to support the long-term weight loss as gastric bypass, vertical banded gastroplasty and gastric banding. People with a BMI of 35 or more obesity-related health problems can be considered candidates for surgery of weight loss.
Weight loss surgery is not a panacea, but that type of procedures may be very effective in individuals who are motivated after surgery to follow your doctor's instructions for nutrition and exercise and nutritional supplements.
According to our expertise it depends on BMI , recommended a specific surgery procedure to weight loss according to the following readings :
Body Mass Index 25 - 29.9 kg / m 2 - Overweight >> Low Risk
Body Mass Index 30 - 34.9 kg / m 2 - Obesity >> Medium risk
Body Mass Index between 35 - 39, 9 kg / m 2 - Severely Obese >> medium to high risk
Body Mass Index of 40 kg / m 2 and more - Morbidly Obese >> High Risk
Types of obesity weight loss surgery
Gastric banding
Gastric band restricts the ability of the stomach. It means that after eating a little amount of food but you will feel full stomach. Laparoscopic operation used to attach an inflatable band (also called a lap band) in the upper stomach, creating a small pouch at the upper portion. That can restricts the amount of food in your stomach may hold. Meal you eat it passes slowly from the pocket in the abdomen and in the digestive system. Surgery is just simple to turning, but require further surgery.
Gastric balloon
Gastric balloon , its a silicone ball , introduced in the stomach through the mouth and filled with sterile saline solution, when it is stationary. Gastric balloon is partially to fill the stomach as a result there is a feeling of fullness and can prevent overeating. Balloon is removed after six months, through the same procedure as it was set.